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The worship team
We are striving to be an authentic, humble, discipleship community that nurtures God-given artistic gifts to inspire worship of Jesus Christ in a way that:
Unites us with the church universal: here on earth and in heaven
Engages the entire being: heart, soul, mind and strength.
Makes space for the transforming power of God's presence
St James is actively looking for: keyboardists/pianists, bass guitarists, electric guitarists, drummers, lead instrumentalists, vocalists and sound technicians who are excited about pursuing the vison outlined above.
We’d be delighted to hear from any member of the church community who has prayerfully considered whether they could serve in the worship team. St James recognises that joining the worship team involves taking on a role of leadership within the church community. We therefore ask members to make certain commitments before coming on board:
A commitment to being actively involved in the wider St James church community.
A commitment to join the Sunday morning worship band approximately one in every four weeks, as well as attending the corresponding mid-week band practise.
A commitment to the team training events that happen roughly every other month.
A commitment to growing, not only as musicians/technicians, but also as worshippers and disciples of Christ.
The first and foremost quality that we look for across our team is the right heart and clear commitment. However, the role does comprise both spiritual and musical leadership, so we have to practically look at musical experience as well. Here is a quick break down of what we are looking for from a musical and technical standpoint:
All musicians must be comfortable playing from chord sheets or lead sheets, learning lines by ear, and improvising much of their part. Unfortunately we are unable to source arrangements with dedicated scored parts for each musician. So, whilst reading music is desirable, it is not required.
Vocalists play a crucial role in releasing the congregation to worship independantly of the worship leader. They do this by holding their own vocal lines, harmonising and improvising around the tune, as well as worshipping authentically and visibly through their body language.
Kit players (drummers) carry perhaps the largest musical responsibility in the group! Whilst the music is rhythmically simple (rarely straying outside 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8) it does require solid tempo and timing, as well as dynamic and emotive range. We sometimes play with a metronome or "click" to facilitate tracks and effects that are tempo dependant.
Those that play a "transposing" instrument should be aware that music may only be provided in concert pitch. Ideally such instrumentalists will be comfortable transposing at sight.
Sound technicians should have a good ear for music, and a general aptitude for technology. No direct experience is required (though it is desirable) as all the necessary training can be provided on-the-job.
Band practises and training events typically take place on Wednesday evenings. We provide chord sheets, lead sheets and videos several days in advance of the practise to help you prepare. Practically, we would ask you to provide your own instruments and equipment (unless you are a drummer, keyboardist or vocalist).
Contact Jonathan Berry to get the ball rolling with a cup of coffee and an opportunity to play some music together.