One of the Five Marks of Mission is to 'Safeguard the Integrity of Creation.'
We're doing this through Creation Care and A Rocha's Eco Church Scheme.
Eco Church
We were awarded our Silver Eco-Church Award in 2022.
We have semi-regular Eco Church Workshops to celebrate our environment and do what we can to protect it and reduce our impact on the climate.
Creation Care
The Creation Care scheme aims to encourage households to make changes to care for God’s earth.
Wherever households are on their creation care journey, the Creation Care website helps to provide ideas for their next steps, and recognise the progress they’ve made.
Forest Church
Forest Church is an integral part of our worship at St James. It was begun as a way of engaging families during Covid restrictions, and has continued as a Fresh Expression of Church, meeting on the last Sunday of the month in St James Eco Zone. Find out more here.