We are a vibrant church in the heart of the Ribble Valley in Lancashire, and are part of the Church of England. We are made up of people of all ages, backgrounds and personal circumstances and are always keen to welcome visitors and those wanting to know more about the Christian faith. Some of us have been Christians for many years, others for only a short while and some are simply just looking.
The church was started back in 1840, and our building has been developed and modernised significantly since then. We have become a family friendly church with lots happening every day.
Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
Our vision is to be a church that connects in different and varied ways with people, connecting them to God. The people then become confident disciples who live out their faith seven days a week. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be a transforming community, responding to the physical, social and emotional needs of our community.
Every five years, we refocus one what God is calling us to do. Read Mark Pickett's document "Towards 2027" below for our areas to focus on for the next five years.